Podcasting and the Power of Voice in Business Marketing

With all of the talk of marketing done by podcasting, many marketers are wondering just what is podcasting and how can it be used to bring in customers. With online marketing, there are many different ways to be established as an expert in a particular subject matter and to become well known within that online field. Using several different types of media, including social networking, blogging and search engine optimized websites can get a marketing message out to a wide sphere of customers.

Podcasting is another of these online marketing tools.

Exactly What is Podcasting?

Podcasting is a way of delivering audio content online through an RSS feed. Podcasting is similar to the radio-on-demand sites that allow anyone to listen to audio files online. But, with podcasting, there is more variability and customization available. A podcast may begin at a certain time, but it can be listened to later at any time that the listener chooses.

Using Podcasts for Marketing

Listening to a podcast is a popular alternative to simply reading information on a page. It gives information a personal feel and can deliver entertainment at the same time. With podcasting, listeners can see the faces behind the website.

Poscasts are often used for attracting more readers to a website. By scheduling a live podcast and telling people in advance when the podcast will air, people are drawn to the site to hear the message. By scheduling regular podcasts, such as one per week, they will gain a following.

Gain Credibility

One of the most useful aspects of using a podcast for marketing is that hearing the person’s voice as they discuss the topic gives the speaker a credibility that is hard to get through test alone. The audio files are listened to much like a news broadcast would be, and they are a great way to earn quick respect as someone who is knowledgeable about the topic.

When deciding what is podcasting, think of information that can be made engaging and entertaining. Consider interviewing another authority on the subject so that readers hear the questions that they may have answered. Vary the content of each episode so that listeners to will tune in to the next one to see what else will be covered.

Make the broadcast personal by introducing yourself and talking about your experience with the subject matter at the beginning of each file. This will encourage loyalty and a familiarity that will bring listeners back over and over.

Direct Horizon Business Development Group has over 50 years of technical experience behind it’s business practices. Whether it’s web design, content creation, content distribution, point of sale systems, traffic and conversion tracking, pay per click or custom software, Direct Horizon Business Development Group is the one you want to call.

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